Saturday 8 January 2011


Where and what to start with well I guess I will begin with a few thoughts I've had recently. I have noticed that 2011 has already kicked off to great start for some folks around me which is fab because apparently this year is the magical year. I haven't been able to do much this past week thanks to flu but it has given me time to think which being a Gemini am not sure it’s healthy as I overthink,,worry,,anaylise,,get stressed then end up feeling sorry for myself.

I guess the past week I have been reflecting on my past and thinking of the what if's and the why's, why didn't I take that promotion once that I had been offered and also got to be a buying manager for a clothing shop, why didn't I when I worked with horses snap up the opportunity I had to go work in the US, why didn't I pursue being a vet nurse when I was younger. There are many other why's but these are the major ones and it got me thinking if I had taken one of those opportunities in my life where would I be now and what would it be like.

Im not saying I don't like where I am now but I guess I'm getting on a bit now and I feel like I've never settled I love where I work now and luckily my time I spent in hairdressing has helped me with my current work but I still feel a bit unfulfilled I guess that's not my employers fault its mine. I always feel like a bit of a loser as I get judged a lot as I've had and tried so many different things people are usually surprised to find I'm still working at the same place I started nearly 3 years ago now. I've stayed there cause I like the job my colleagues and the boss is fair and we all make a great little team.

I am feeling restless I don't want to change jobs I have ideas on what to do like last year I decided to do a bit of mobile hairdressing I made some leaflets and then kind of sat here waiting for the phone to ring it didn't, why? Because I didn't put my back into enough I told myself deep down that I wouldn't be good enough and what this and what that, I’ve figured I do that a lot I wanted to enter a makeup comp last year by my favorite company Illamasqua you had to create a character to fit on with their faerie collection I felt excited at first planned the look and then didn't do it why? Because I told myself I didn't stand a chance and I would be no good so I didn't bother.

I now have the opportunity to enter a hair comp but again I face that internal battle of I won't bother nobody will vote for the look I create. However I think I may have to try and enter it just to for me to take a small step but already I feel doomed to failure and when it happens I will feel despondent and disappointed and I fear that. Well what a first blog I felt the need to get it off my chest now I've pulled myself to pieces over there last week maybe I should start trying to sew myself back together again..


  1. Lovely Lady! I don't think you are at all alone in those thoughts,especially at this time of year, and I know you are not a loser!

    The life path you are on is uniquely yours and each decision you have made has defined the wonderful person you are right now. You can change track at any time, and you wont go far wrong as long as you follow whats in your heart. I know you know all these things... am just reminding you!

    It's fine to be reflective, but be aware you are following your own spiritual path and it may not be the same as 'other peoples', so you can't compare yourself! Looking forwards to more blogging!
    HUGS xxxx

  2. Thanks Lovely.. I still trying to work these blogs out and only just found comment lol.. Thanks for the words of wisdom i do forget things sometimes really seem to be struggling with career related stuff I sit here and think I can do that but never get anywhere and suffering with low self esteem hopefully I will be feeling better soon am going to try a few things but is already filling me with dread though ekkk my crow visited me today it was lovely and a reminder that magic is with me always i just have to tap into in sometimes )0( ooo Alien blog has been posted haha :) Hugs back xxxx
