Saturday 8 January 2011


I simply belive Aliens exsist and the goverment hide up a lot of stuff. Ive watched a programme recently that featured all the famous UFO stories one of the most infamous being the Roswell incident although in this programme they said that area 51 was used for a lot of military secret operations.

I still think there is a lot of cover up about this incident I belive a UFO did crash there regardless of what the retired service men were saying in this programme even thought they are retited they are still pretty much sworn to a secretcy about things that went on whilst they were in service..

I dont think we will ever get any infomation from the goverment about UFO's unless we came under a international threat from an inavsion like the movie Indepence day which i watched for the first time ever last week I wasnt impressed. I would safely say that if life froms from other planets wanted to harm us they would have attacked us by now in fact I think they want to help us as they as far as my theories go far more advanced than us and no doubt have a lot of answers they probaly dont even look like the typical alien type we imagine they probaly are walking amongst us I truly belive that in fact my mum bless her has a few stories that make the hair stand up on the back of your neck and make you go oooooooo..

Me and my friend also a colleague often have a giggle that behind where we work is a alien drop off point yes I know we sound daft but we work somehere where people just dont walk past so if we see someone on foot coming from the back of the building we say its a alien drop off even the boss has joined in. In fact at some point this year me and me mate are going to visit Rendlesham forest in Suffolk I always call that the UK version of the Roswell as a craft was supposed to have landed there and a alien was found. We just want to go to feel the vibe of the place I think we feel excited and a little scared at the same time as its apparently an eerie place and in most forests you can hear bird song I have in fact heard that there is no bird song going on in this forest so I want to investigate this and see what I can pick up.


  1. If you do go invite me and my camera! That sounds cool. I also believe is aliens, but an still a little sceptical about them visiting us in recent history.

    Keep up the blogging.


  2. Thank you Mr G :) well I will organise a a good ole road trip then yaaa am sure you would love photgraphing the place its pretty fascinating stuff and sure Miss D will come along too the more the merrier thats what I say and also safety in numbers lol .... :) :)

  3. Ooo this sounds very interesting! I'm all for coming :)
    I agree with you Debbie, though we don't get to see many UFO rafts in Landa, it's hard enough to see the sky...
    Though some of the people here are so strange they could be from another planet.. :)

  4. Yaaa Miss D is up for it yaaa :) i think this will be a good road trip and experience :) you know if i saw actually saw what I thought was a UFO i would probaly irrationally scream i done that once but it tuned out to be one of those stealth bombers which are triangular shape and have no radar detection lol I live fairly close to a air base..was funny afterwards though..hahaha yep their around us lol xx
