Monday 7 February 2011

its asking me for a title i dont have one..

I have now made the decision to do hair extensions I trained in London um quite a few years ago now but I have done some recently so I know I havent lost my knowledge which is good. The trouble is with me I tend to get carried away thinking ohh I need this and that I need to design business cards I need to work out a aftercare pack and my brain goes off on one and it has done this before and I outlay money then fail so this time im not going to do all that first off Im going to work at getting some clients and first building a portfolio and then I can work on the pretty nitty gritty bits.

Ive also been pressuring myself to find a name to call the new hair extension sideline um I havent really come up with anything and what i have has already been taken. The techique I use is called cold fusion its becoming more popular now to have this type of extension as customers and leading industry experts are now questioning the hot glue method the glue is normally called keratin sticks which actually is part of what our hair is made up off and the hot glue method consists of heating the sticks to a high tempreture sectioning off a 1cm square of hair then bonding extension hair and hair together with the hot glue if done correctly the bonds wont damage the hair as they should work like a capsule the hair is fused together and protected inside this glue capsule however there has been so many people not have proper training to do them and hence properly using the cheapest equipment and therefore people are ending up with pretty bad hair extensions. Also the aftercare of extensions is important if you havent been trained you wouldnt know little things like dont wash youre hair over the bath cause the cuticles in the hair extensions and youre hair cuticles actually would rub the wrong way and you can end up with serious tangles and even I have seen unintentional dreadlocks also you have to use special shampoos as many shampoos' and conditoners contain silicone which actually can make the bonds weak and slip out of the hair if you cant afford to buy the specilist shampoos then you have to use ones that are designed for greasy hair as these dont contain any oils or silicone and wont weigh heavy on the hair.

The way I use extensions is fusion I use a natural latex based glue which is flexible so it adheres to the hair easily and dries reasonably fast I then use a hairdyer on a cold set hence the name cold fusion this gives it a stronger bond. I use what we call wefts of hair so fibre/real hair comes on one long strip and I cut these down to customize to fit to the scalp making it look more natural, also wefts lay flat on the hair whereas bonds can be quite uncomftable especially sleeping on them as then tend to dig in a little bit but with wefts you dont get any discomfort. The only thing that can happen is a itchy scalp but this is perfectly normal and its just the scalp adjusting and dont forget your own hair continues to grow whilst wefts are in hair so thats another reason new hair growth coming through so the glued weft actually moves slightly down the hair it isnt a noticable move though only very slight on average pretty much you hair grows about an inch per month to 6 weeks.

When I first learned this method we were told it was more for working with models for photo shoots who needed hair quickly to add volume and length so would only be in for about a day however the glue used then was pretty nasty and as far as im aware still is the ones I use are amercican the company dosent test on animals so a massive thumbs up and where possible natural ingredients used. I am pretty sure that with care these extensions can last a while say up to a month if it goes beyond a month your doing well but it does depend on the person wearing them matinence is the secret here. I am utterly impressed with the extensions ive been wearing lately they are fibre but they are so advanced now they actually perform better than some of the real hair ones they can take heat, styling products and pretty much anything you throw at them ive looked at the science thats gone into them and its quite impressive I will not bore you with details but trust me lol.

I would really like to do more and hope it kicks off as I do carry a passion for hair and creativity I dont quite think I had realised that till a few weeks ago when after working in my friends mum salon doing my friends hair I loved and enjoyed being back behind that chair creating and then when i passed my assesment at work and how much work i put in at home to learn more and study the products that we sell its finally occured to me, talk about something staring you in the face haha um yes well there is so much more to talk about on hair extensions but I will stop now ive rambled on too far again and I will now go to sleep and think about what to blog about next maybe me being a Witch and the fact Avalon is calling me so im going im popping home for the weekend to me Avalon is home. Right thats is im definatly off now night night lovely ones :) :) ps ive just re read my blod before posting and I go rather randome at the end but im still keeping it in cause randomness is rather amusing :) :)

Thursday 20 January 2011

Mish mashed Belly dance and all in between....

This week has been a bit of a humdinger. Tuesday I had to do a full day at the shop and me being so used to working part time it is a bit of a killer to suddenly have to get my arse up around 6am and then know that I wont be home till nearly 7 that day. The day didnt start well really boss left me an essay of jobs to do which is fine cause it would have been a long day twiddling my thumbs lol anyhow moving the stock around I was picking up heavy shampoo cartons and my trouser bottom got caught on my shoe and the whole of the arse of then ripped I know youre probaly thinking tight trousers but no they wasnt very loose and cheap ole matalan rubbish really so I had no spare clothes,, no other staff in for another 2 hours had to ring mum to get me new trousers in the mean time I found a cardi to tie round my waist fashion police would have arrested me. Anyhow said to mum whatever you do dont buy short leg am sure you can guess she turns up with a short leg I looked like frank spencer so I had to roll them up to make them look like crop trousers. Of course this incident was met with fits of laughter from the rest of the gang as its something that happens to all of us at some point.

Wednesday night a lot more exciting had the joy of going to the new Belly dance class yaaaaaa and it was very nice as I wore a bindi and other people commented that they wanted to wear one but wasnt sure so next week looks like we will all be bindied up yipee and the more jungle the better :) Adored the class we are learning a dance routine for an end of term perfomance another yipeee :) it is though difficult and I take my hat off to those that do it I dont know how I will ever acheive the camel hmm and my hips are a bit to free moving whatever that means but its a learning curve and Im loved this class and am sure the rest to come and if we are performing then its exciting that I get to choose a costume and really glam up and hopefully by then I will have slimmed down proably not my target but hopefully smaller than I am now.

Hmm what else the other thing that gets me excited is tattoo's but this week been so busy havent mentioned that my next tattoo is booked,,I am having a black panther in honor of my adorable little panther Ostara.. this will proably be my biggest tattoo to date and Im having trouble with myseflf as to wear to have it either back, lower right hip,,left arm or somewhere else lol so I really need to think about it but Ive got time as my tattoist is so busy its not till the end of March :)

Ohh and there are changes happening at work too as I dont want to temp fate its not to do with me but my good friend partner in crime and half the chuckle sister has had some exciting news so am keeping my fingers crossed it works out and she has had a really cracking start to the new year and this would be the icing on the cake for her.

Right so apart from tattoo,,and belly dancing going on that raises a :) but I still feel in gloopy gloop mud I dont know weather its this month january blues or something else hmmm anyone know some good herbal drugs to allevate this feeling? xx

Friday 14 January 2011


Tonight I was having a sneaky cigarette ( giving up those too ) anyhow I was looking at the moon and started to become transfixed and somewhat hypnotised I cant be the only one this happens to anyhow like cloud reading ive found when I look at the moon I can start to see forms, shapes well yes of course Debbie its the craters and shadows on the moon ahh but tonight I saw a face but not the usual moon face I get used to seeing but this was like if youre young enough to remember perriot the clown that always posed with a ballet dancer back in the 80's the face looked similar anyhow I done a sketch umm yeah this was pretty much my interpretation now im not a Picasso you understand but ive purely done an interpretation its exactly hows it meant to be and I will even say its bloomin bizarre. I added on a bit of hair cause otherwise she just looked bald. I could probaly extend this sketch further and work on it but thought I would post it. The other sketch I done tonight was of a panthers head with roses this was only a quick sketch and normally I pay more attention to my roses but it was a had to get it on paper this is another one I think I could play around with and develop. I always call my cat Ostara a mini panther and this is her on a bad day she has fangs quite similar I have the scars to prove it! but she is adorable really. Ive been quite inspired this week by my good friend Laura Daligan and her partner Gordon Burns whos been art and photograpy blogging which I have enjoyed reading and viewing this week loving youre work lovelies :) :) xx

Thursday 13 January 2011

colour save shampoos/condtioners so they work?

I said I would blog about this and so here is my findings.

Colour protect shampoos/condtioners are they worth using do they really work and is it worth investing in a pricey brand.

I recnetly had to conduct a product knowlesge poster for this at work. I found that the cheaper end of the market contains kernel oil this is all well and good but if you suffer from greasy hair and even normal hair it can be very heavy and after a day youre hair will feel lank and lacks lustre dont get me wrong it will be all lovely and shiny the day you use it. Because the oil has the effect on the hair you will end up washing you hair more often. If youre hair is very dry and damaged then it can be an adavantage.

I found the best colour save products are made by schwarfkopf Bonacure. Using a combination of the products they promise to deliver up to 90% of colour rentention so that means that you can use these between colour service it will keep youre colour fresh and vibrant especially if you have youre hair dyed in the red, violet and copper spectrum which once these colours fade nornally after a few weeks you get a dull result but youre hair dosent need recolur for another 4 weeks at least using the above product the ingrediants dont contain sulphates which contriubte to a lot of loss of hair colour as sulphates deposit into the hair and make it dull and fade fast.. bonacure use amino acids amino acid help to rebuild the hairs structure it promises that after 30 washes you will have retained a 90% colour renention.

They do not conduct animal testing so this is a thumbs up.

There are many colour protect shampoos on the market a good guideline is to look for the following benefits/ingrediants on the bottle.

1: Check to see if its sulphate free.

2: Amino acids.

3: If they state how many wahses and what % colour rentention to expect.

So while this isnt an epic blog hopefully its something to think about and I hope it will be helpful.

Till next time when i have no idea what I will blog about,,,,hmmmmm Belly dancing starts weds night so maybe I will blog about my first class yipeeeeeeeee :) :)

Wednesday 12 January 2011

A weighty issue


I thought I would blog about weight..I know I am currently overweight and its something that is very fustrating to me as I think when youre older it is more difficlut to lose weight or am I making excuses hmm...

I guess it goes back to my childhood mum fed me well and this didnt even phase me until the dreaded highschool started and I realised that the other kids were slim, pretty and popular unfortunatly the first week of school I had already been labelled as the part of the dork squad and thus started my five year long bullying campaign by the cruel sods to this day it is something you never forget or maybe even forgive. When I left school (thankfully) I started college and wanted to do a performing arts diploma I had always loved dance and had danced since the age of 3 but my weight is someting that ultimatly got in the way. My dance teachers wouldnt pressure me but would advise that if im to dance en pointe then its not fair for my feet to carry the extra weight I also had a ballet shoe shop fitter tell me the same thing of course you normally get pretty defensive and dont see it yourself..

I decided to still go to college and on the first day made friends starightway which was a new thing to me after the past school years it turned out they were all on the Equestrian course not wanting to leave my new friends I decided to do the same course even though I had only sat on a horse a couple of times in my life and I had to convince the course director that I belonged there it felt like destiny, thankfully it was and it paid off equalling in a few certificates under me belt and I worked my way up in the equestrian world competing and judging and attending big flashy shows and feeling proud that I had been a part of that horses training that had won the championship that weekend and even season..ok Ive gone off track a bit there but nevermind it paints the picture.

When I was 18 it hit home eventually that my weight something had to be done so me and mum enrolled with slimming world and I lost a starggering 4 stone for the first time in my life I could fit in clothes from new look and even the shops manager notcied a big change in my appearence and congratulating me I felt so happy to pick up small sizes.

My weight went up and down a little bit then it shot up when I joined a Sea cadet club as an instructor I started to to eat unhealthy snacks late at night and of course the weight piled on it wasnt till I saw a picture of me that it shocked me back to reality I would still see that slim person in the mirror not the fat one looking back at me apprently this is common. So back to square one and the diet began again this time I started exercising using a gym and running I entered into races to give me extra incentive I slimed down wonderfully again fitting in all my favourite brands. Then my weight went back and forth back and back and forth. When I worked in fashion I got slim again and would get to take part in fashion shows and even modelling bridal wear which those dresses are quite evil at times and unforgiving now I look back and think how did I ever fit into that and those jeans that are still in my wardrobe ekkk I think ive lost count how many times ive lost weight gained weight and I think its something I will constantly battle with.

I wish a thousand times over that I had been born a natural slim person with a fast metabolism and could shop in Topshop with ease haha. I hate being overweight though people are kind and say but youre not fat I sometimes feeling like screaming YES I AM look at me., its cause I know how I can look and the pure fustration that I have let myself go again..

So thus next week after giving myself time to get over the flu properly I am back to Yoga my new venture Belly Dancing ( massive woo hoo here) and running cause I find running is the most effective way of getting the pounds off and it burns fat immedialty I know of all the foods I should be eating to compliment this too it just that Im rather impatient and want to be slim again yesterday. I know once I kick start it again I hopefully can get there so as extra incentive the Belly Dance teacer has said there is a chance to do demo perfomances well im buggered if im going up on a stage a jelly belly no thank you and also I am aiming to take part in a Spartan race which is a run over a obstacles course and mud! to add a extra bit of zing I will do this for charity it will be animal charity of some sort I havent decided yet there so many so worthy of help so that is always a tough decision to make. Right well i've now got this weighty issue of my mind time to get it off my body wish me luck! xx

Sunday 9 January 2011


I want to talk about hair. I love sorting out hair queries and problems I am espcially lucky as this happens a lot at work only today I had a customer who's daughter had died her hair black with a superdrug dye then decided to colour strip it with another superdrug product needless to say she ended up muti toned hair ekkk, she had already spent £15 then her mum today had to spend another £19 by which time it would have been far better to go to a salon and have it done professionally. I see this happening a lot the shop products of hair dye are pretty much ok as long as you use one that is a similar to the hair colour you have now or if you want to add tones to youre hair.

I no no these when people want to go blonde going blonde is never easy especially with these kits as they only really work if you are blonde already unfortunatly I know of girls who have jet black hair and buy a Garnier paltimum blonde expecting to be that blonde its chemically impossible to go blonde in one step and then I have known people to bleach their hair all over and wonder why their hair ends up like straw and yellow. sometimes best to visit a Salon and get it done properly a stylist will work with their client to give them the result they want this does take patience it took me a few years of visiting my stylist to get my hair to a platinum blonde colour only then for me 6 months after to go darker in places and therefore another few years later still trying to get back to that platimum blonde then I got bored again am now in a bit of a corner with my hair I love being blonde but then dark hair always looks full of lustre and healthy mine only seems to look good after its been freshly coloured..

So I guess the moral of this blog is if you want a drastic or even small change with your hair seek advice from a stylist first before you start going down the expensive route or trying to correct what you have done.. I know we are in hard financial times now but any good Salon will offer advice for free and you shouldnt feel pressured into booking an appointment with them visit a few and see what each one has to offer also you will find at the moment Salons are being competitive so there are normally special offers on coluring/cutting services so have a look round dont be scared cause trust me it is more scary to find that youre hair has gone that unexpected shade of youre worst nightmare colour you could possibly imagine..

If you dont want to go to Salon dont worry there is a shop called Salon Services its the company I work for I know that in the majority of the stores all the staff are fully trained stylists so you can get their advice and buy the products you need for you to do at home if you so wish and with the proper kit and instructions. If you would still prefer a stylists touch maybe consider a mobile hairdresser. I still do mobile hairdressing specialising in the colour department..

More on hair another time I may blog on hair care and those colour protect shampoos/condtioners are they worth buying and do they really help lock in colour hmmmm....thanks to whoever actaully may read this xx <3

Saturday 8 January 2011


I simply belive Aliens exsist and the goverment hide up a lot of stuff. Ive watched a programme recently that featured all the famous UFO stories one of the most infamous being the Roswell incident although in this programme they said that area 51 was used for a lot of military secret operations.

I still think there is a lot of cover up about this incident I belive a UFO did crash there regardless of what the retired service men were saying in this programme even thought they are retited they are still pretty much sworn to a secretcy about things that went on whilst they were in service..

I dont think we will ever get any infomation from the goverment about UFO's unless we came under a international threat from an inavsion like the movie Indepence day which i watched for the first time ever last week I wasnt impressed. I would safely say that if life froms from other planets wanted to harm us they would have attacked us by now in fact I think they want to help us as they as far as my theories go far more advanced than us and no doubt have a lot of answers they probaly dont even look like the typical alien type we imagine they probaly are walking amongst us I truly belive that in fact my mum bless her has a few stories that make the hair stand up on the back of your neck and make you go oooooooo..

Me and my friend also a colleague often have a giggle that behind where we work is a alien drop off point yes I know we sound daft but we work somehere where people just dont walk past so if we see someone on foot coming from the back of the building we say its a alien drop off even the boss has joined in. In fact at some point this year me and me mate are going to visit Rendlesham forest in Suffolk I always call that the UK version of the Roswell as a craft was supposed to have landed there and a alien was found. We just want to go to feel the vibe of the place I think we feel excited and a little scared at the same time as its apparently an eerie place and in most forests you can hear bird song I have in fact heard that there is no bird song going on in this forest so I want to investigate this and see what I can pick up.


Where and what to start with well I guess I will begin with a few thoughts I've had recently. I have noticed that 2011 has already kicked off to great start for some folks around me which is fab because apparently this year is the magical year. I haven't been able to do much this past week thanks to flu but it has given me time to think which being a Gemini am not sure it’s healthy as I overthink,,worry,,anaylise,,get stressed then end up feeling sorry for myself.

I guess the past week I have been reflecting on my past and thinking of the what if's and the why's, why didn't I take that promotion once that I had been offered and also got to be a buying manager for a clothing shop, why didn't I when I worked with horses snap up the opportunity I had to go work in the US, why didn't I pursue being a vet nurse when I was younger. There are many other why's but these are the major ones and it got me thinking if I had taken one of those opportunities in my life where would I be now and what would it be like.

Im not saying I don't like where I am now but I guess I'm getting on a bit now and I feel like I've never settled I love where I work now and luckily my time I spent in hairdressing has helped me with my current work but I still feel a bit unfulfilled I guess that's not my employers fault its mine. I always feel like a bit of a loser as I get judged a lot as I've had and tried so many different things people are usually surprised to find I'm still working at the same place I started nearly 3 years ago now. I've stayed there cause I like the job my colleagues and the boss is fair and we all make a great little team.

I am feeling restless I don't want to change jobs I have ideas on what to do like last year I decided to do a bit of mobile hairdressing I made some leaflets and then kind of sat here waiting for the phone to ring it didn't, why? Because I didn't put my back into enough I told myself deep down that I wouldn't be good enough and what this and what that, I’ve figured I do that a lot I wanted to enter a makeup comp last year by my favorite company Illamasqua you had to create a character to fit on with their faerie collection I felt excited at first planned the look and then didn't do it why? Because I told myself I didn't stand a chance and I would be no good so I didn't bother.

I now have the opportunity to enter a hair comp but again I face that internal battle of I won't bother nobody will vote for the look I create. However I think I may have to try and enter it just to for me to take a small step but already I feel doomed to failure and when it happens I will feel despondent and disappointed and I fear that. Well what a first blog I felt the need to get it off my chest now I've pulled myself to pieces over there last week maybe I should start trying to sew myself back together again..