Monday 7 February 2011

its asking me for a title i dont have one..

I have now made the decision to do hair extensions I trained in London um quite a few years ago now but I have done some recently so I know I havent lost my knowledge which is good. The trouble is with me I tend to get carried away thinking ohh I need this and that I need to design business cards I need to work out a aftercare pack and my brain goes off on one and it has done this before and I outlay money then fail so this time im not going to do all that first off Im going to work at getting some clients and first building a portfolio and then I can work on the pretty nitty gritty bits.

Ive also been pressuring myself to find a name to call the new hair extension sideline um I havent really come up with anything and what i have has already been taken. The techique I use is called cold fusion its becoming more popular now to have this type of extension as customers and leading industry experts are now questioning the hot glue method the glue is normally called keratin sticks which actually is part of what our hair is made up off and the hot glue method consists of heating the sticks to a high tempreture sectioning off a 1cm square of hair then bonding extension hair and hair together with the hot glue if done correctly the bonds wont damage the hair as they should work like a capsule the hair is fused together and protected inside this glue capsule however there has been so many people not have proper training to do them and hence properly using the cheapest equipment and therefore people are ending up with pretty bad hair extensions. Also the aftercare of extensions is important if you havent been trained you wouldnt know little things like dont wash youre hair over the bath cause the cuticles in the hair extensions and youre hair cuticles actually would rub the wrong way and you can end up with serious tangles and even I have seen unintentional dreadlocks also you have to use special shampoos as many shampoos' and conditoners contain silicone which actually can make the bonds weak and slip out of the hair if you cant afford to buy the specilist shampoos then you have to use ones that are designed for greasy hair as these dont contain any oils or silicone and wont weigh heavy on the hair.

The way I use extensions is fusion I use a natural latex based glue which is flexible so it adheres to the hair easily and dries reasonably fast I then use a hairdyer on a cold set hence the name cold fusion this gives it a stronger bond. I use what we call wefts of hair so fibre/real hair comes on one long strip and I cut these down to customize to fit to the scalp making it look more natural, also wefts lay flat on the hair whereas bonds can be quite uncomftable especially sleeping on them as then tend to dig in a little bit but with wefts you dont get any discomfort. The only thing that can happen is a itchy scalp but this is perfectly normal and its just the scalp adjusting and dont forget your own hair continues to grow whilst wefts are in hair so thats another reason new hair growth coming through so the glued weft actually moves slightly down the hair it isnt a noticable move though only very slight on average pretty much you hair grows about an inch per month to 6 weeks.

When I first learned this method we were told it was more for working with models for photo shoots who needed hair quickly to add volume and length so would only be in for about a day however the glue used then was pretty nasty and as far as im aware still is the ones I use are amercican the company dosent test on animals so a massive thumbs up and where possible natural ingredients used. I am pretty sure that with care these extensions can last a while say up to a month if it goes beyond a month your doing well but it does depend on the person wearing them matinence is the secret here. I am utterly impressed with the extensions ive been wearing lately they are fibre but they are so advanced now they actually perform better than some of the real hair ones they can take heat, styling products and pretty much anything you throw at them ive looked at the science thats gone into them and its quite impressive I will not bore you with details but trust me lol.

I would really like to do more and hope it kicks off as I do carry a passion for hair and creativity I dont quite think I had realised that till a few weeks ago when after working in my friends mum salon doing my friends hair I loved and enjoyed being back behind that chair creating and then when i passed my assesment at work and how much work i put in at home to learn more and study the products that we sell its finally occured to me, talk about something staring you in the face haha um yes well there is so much more to talk about on hair extensions but I will stop now ive rambled on too far again and I will now go to sleep and think about what to blog about next maybe me being a Witch and the fact Avalon is calling me so im going im popping home for the weekend to me Avalon is home. Right thats is im definatly off now night night lovely ones :) :) ps ive just re read my blod before posting and I go rather randome at the end but im still keeping it in cause randomness is rather amusing :) :)